Winning Team Announced for NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Fourth Annual Challenge

The fourth NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Annual Challenge was launched during this year’s Summer School in July 2021 when six teams of four or five undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows from the University of Ottawa, Université de Sherbrooke and McMaster University were formed. Over the course of the next few weeks, each team analyzed future prospects for new devices or systems, drawing together science, engineering, and economic analysis.  Teams reported back via an online meeting on September 2 in front of their colleagues, TOP-SET researchers and a panel of three judges composed of Ahmad Atieh from Optiwave Systems Inc., Ayse Turak from the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University, and David Wright from the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa.

Congratulations to Farah Ayari, a master’s student in electrical engineering at Université de Sherbrooke, Nick Anderson, Gavin Forcade and Mathieu Giroux, respectively a master’s student in electrical engineering, a doctoral student in physics and a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at the University of Ottawa, and Milena Thibault, an undergraduate student in electrical engineering at McMaster University. They are this year’s winners of the NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Annual Challenge, for their work on “Near-Field Thermophotovoltaics for Waste Heat Recycling”.