Le 9 juillet 2021, 13h30

  1. Porous silicon pillars: A compliant substrate for defect-free heteroepitaxy
                Alexandre Heintz (1), B. Ilahi (1), A. Barzaghi (2), G. Isella (2), A. Boucherif (1)
                (1) Université de Sherbrooke (2) Politecnico di Milano
  2. Design and fabrication of a nanowire-based betavoltaic device
                Amanda Thomas, R. LaPierre
                McMaster University
  3. Bifacial photovoltaic performance with snow-induced time-varying ground clearance
                Annie Russell, J. Haysom, K. Hinzer
                Université d’Ottawa
  4. Passive tracking system for integrated concentrator photovoltaics
                David McShannon, A. De Leenheer, R. Kleiman
                McMaster University
  5. Wavelength-resolved encapsulated bifacial silicon heterojunction solar cell carrier loss
                Erin Tonita (1), C. E. Valdivia (1), M. I. Bertoni (2), K. Hinzer (1)
                (1) Université d’Ottawa (2) Arizona State University
  6. RAN resource slicing in 5G using multi-agent correlated Q-learning
                Hao Zhou, M. Elsayed, M. Erol-Kantarci
                Université d’Ottawa
  7. Absorption profile of doped highly mismatched alloys
                Hassan Allami, J. J. Krich
                Université d’Ottawa
  8. Improvement of copper plating by plasma treatment for the metallization of heterojunctions solar cells
                Herinirina Fanevamampiandra (1), M. Darnon (1), G. Hamon (1), M. Bonvalot (2)
                (1) Université de Sherbrooke (2) LTM, CEA, Université de Grenobles Alpes
  9. Energy management optimisation for photovoltaic systems
                Mathieu Blanchard, R. Farhan, J. Trovao, M. Darnon
                Université de Sherbrooke
  10. Standardizing solar forecasting research practices using the ROPES guideline
                Nick Anderson, H. Schriemer
                Université d’Ottawa
  11. Simulation of optical absorption in conical nanowires
                D. Paige Wilson, R. R. LaPierre
                McMaster University
  12. Tuneable thin film optical filter for standard photovoltaics
                Paramita Bhattacharyya, R. Kleiman, P. Mascher
                McMaster University