Le 10 juillet 2020, 13h30


  1. Lift-off process for III-V solar cells on porous Ge for substrate reuse
                Roxana Arvinte, S. Cailleaux, A. B. Poungoue Mbeunmi, A. Heintz, R. Arès and A. Boucherif
                Université de Sherbrooke
  2. Towards the Growth of Dislocation Free Ge on Porous Patterned Si pillars
                Alexandre Heintz (1), Moujad Jellite (1), Ionela-Roxana Arvinte (1), Thierno Mamoudou Diallo (1), Andrea Barzaghi (2), Giovanni             Isella (2), Abderraouf Boucherif (1)
                (1) Université de Sherbrooke (2) Politecnico di Milano, Italie
  3. Solar Cell Fabrication for Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) Applications
                Gwénaëlle Hamon, P. Albert, M. de Lafontaine, X. Mackré-Delannoy, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, A. Jaouad, M. Darnon
                Université de Sherbrooke
  4. Multi-Terminal Solar Cells for Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) Applications
                Farah Ayari, S.Moreau, G.Hamon, M. Volatier, V. Aimez, A. Jaouad, M. Darnon
                Université de Sherbrooke
  5. Multijunction Solar Cell Electrical Isolation and Passivation with a Single Plasma Process
                Mathieu de Lafontaine (1,2), Erwine Pargon (2), Guillaume Gay (2), Camille Petit-Etienne (2), Sylvain David (2), Jean-Paul Barnes             (3), Névine Rochat (3), Abdelatif Jaouad (1), Maïté Volatier (1), Simon Fafard (1), Vincent Aimez (1) and Maxime Darnon (1)
                (1) Université de Sherbrooke (2) Laboratoire des Technologies de la Microélectronique, France (3) Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  6. Manufacturing of rear contact solar cells for concentrated photovoltaic applications
                Konan Kouame, Xavier Mackré, Mathieu de Lafontaine, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Maïté Volatier, Vincent Aimez, Abdelatif Jaouad,                         Maxime Darnon
                Université de Sherbrooke
  7. Passivating Antireflection Coating for Improving Optical Properties of Concentrated Photovoltaics Using PECVD
                Philippe St-Pierre, Olivier Richard, Gwenaelle Hamon, Maxime Darnon, Maïté Volatier, Simon Fafard, and Abdelatif Jaouad
                Université de Sherbrooke
  8. The Effect of Varying Angle of Incident Light on Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell Performance
                Ras-Jeevan K. Obhi (1), Mandy R. Lewis (1), Erin M. Tonita (1), Christopher E. Valdivia (1), Mariana I. Bertoni (2), and Karin Hinzer (1)
                (1) University of Ottawa (2) Arizona State University
  9. Measurement of Light Trapping Enhancement in Double Side Textured Silicon Using Modulated Free Carrier Absorption
                Ruslan Khabibrakhmanov annd Rafael Kleiman
                McMaster University
  10. Plasma Oscillations in Doped Highly Mismatched Alloys
                Hassan Allami and Jacob J. Krich
                University of Ottawa
  11. Sequential vs. Parallel Computing: A Comparison For PV Calculations
                Ronan Garrison and Rafael Kleiman
                McMaster University
  12. Design and Fabrication of a Nanowire-Based Betavoltaic Device
                Amanda Thomas and Ray LaPierre
                McMaster University

Convertisseurs de puissance photoniques

  1. Thin Photonic Power Converters with Back Reflector Operating at a 1310 nm Wavelength
                Neda Nouri, Christopher E. Valdivia, Meghan. N. Beattie, Marziyeh S. Zamiri, Karin Hinzer
                University of Ottawa
  2. Detailed Balance Modeling of Monochromatic Photovoltaic Power Conversion
                Daixi Xia and Jacob J. Krich
                University of Ottawa


  1. Nanostructured Surface for Extended Temperature Operating Range in Concentrator Photovoltaic Modules
                Gavin Forcade (1), Christopher E. Valdivia (1), Philippe St-Pierre (2), Maïté Volatier (2), Abdelatif Jaouad (2), Arnaud Ritou (2),             Maxime Darnon (2), Karin Hinzer (1)
                (1) Université d’Ottawa (2) Université de Sherbrooke
  2. Impact of Air Mass on Energy Yield Calculation for Bifacial Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaic Modules in Arctic Conditions
                Mandy Lewis (1,2), Annie C. J. Russell (1), Christopher E. Valdivia (1), Joan E. Haysom (1,3), Mariana I. Bertoni (2), Karin Hinzer (1)
                (1) University of Ottawa (2) Arizona State University (3) J.L. Richards & Associates, Ottawa
  3. Comparison of DUET – a Novel Bifacial Photovoltaics Energy Yield Software – with PVsyst for Single Axis Tracking
                Annie Russell (1), Christopher E. Valdivia (1), Jill Tymchak (2), Joan E. Haysom (1,2), and Karin Hinzer (1)
                (1) University of Ottawa (2) J.L. Richards
  4. Demand Response Management in a Residential Area Using an Incentive-Based Stackelberg Game
                Mikhak Samadi, Melike Erol-Kantarci and Henry Schriemer
                University of Ottawa
  5. FSBB Converter with voltage-watt control capability for Grid-Connected PV application
                Parniyan Tayebi and Henry Schriemer
                University of Ottawa
  6. Decentralized Microgrid Energy Management: A Multi-agent Correlated Q-learning Approach
                Hao Zhou and Melike Erol-Kantarci
                University of Ottawa

Modélisation de coût et analyse de rendement

  1. I Got A Pocket, Got A Pocketful Full of Sunshine (And Profit)
               Lauren Liu and David Wright
                University of Ottawa
  2. Comparing the Annual Financial Savings from PV and mCPV Solar Technologies
                Laura Parvan and David Wright
                University of Ottawa
  3. Quantification of Benefits for Integration of Electric Vehicles and Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems on a Local Distribution Network
                Mitchell House, David Wright, Henry Schriemer, and Melike Erol-Kantarci
                University of Ottawa