We are pleased to announce the launch of the NSERC CREATE TOP-SET website.  The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program titled “Training in Optoelectronics for Power: from Science and Engineering to Technology” (NSERC CREATE TOP-SET) is a training program that aims to form a cohort of highly qualified personnel with comprehensive understanding of optoelectronics including high-efficiency photovoltaics and systems for solar cells, energy systems, communication and control systems for the power grid, as well as cost-modeling and business analysis.  The program, led by associate professor Karin Hinzer from the University of Ottawa in collaboration with the Université de Sherbrooke and McMaster University, will provide students with regular seminars, advanced summer school classes, hands-on interdisciplinary activities at other partner universities, as well as internships at leading national and international academic, government and industry institutions.

Browse our new website and direct any questions to [email protected].