The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program titled “Training in Optoelectronics for Power: from Science and Engineering to Technology” (NSERC CREATE TOP-SET) is a training program that aims to form a cohort of highly qualified personnel with comprehensive understanding of optoelectronic systems, capable of joining advanced R&D teams. This program is a collaboration between the University of Ottawa, the Université de Sherbrooke and McMaster University. In addition to their normal coursework and research, NSERC CREATE TOP-SET students benefit from regular seminars, a series of advanced summer schools as well as travel to other NSERC CREATE TOP-SET universities for handson interdisciplinary activities as work dictates. Internships at leading national and international academic, government and industrial institutions are available.
2017: May 1-3, CPV-13 (University of Ottawa)
2018: May 29-31, Summer School on high-efficiency photovoltaics (University of Ottawa)
2019: July 8-12, Summer School as part of the 19th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (University of Ottawa)
2020: July 7-10, Online Summer School (Université de Sherbrooke)
2021: July 6-9, Online Summer School on Realizing the Energy Transition (University of Ottawa)
2022: July 18-20, In-Person Summer School – Getting Together Towards Net-Zero Solutions (University of Ottawa)
Annual Challenges for small teams are set each year by TOP-SET faculty. Kickoff of the Annual Challenge takes places each summer school and reported on at the end of the summer. Read news about our first, second, third and fourth Annual Challenges. Our next Annual Challenge will be held during the summer of 2022.
Graduate Studies Courses – New at the University of Ottawa
ELG 5142: Ubiquitous Sensing for Smart Cities
ELG 5143: AI-Enabled Wireless Networks
ELG 5902: Industry Internship Project
GNG 5902: Industry Internship Project
Travel Funding
NSERC CREATE TOP-SET graduate trainees funded by the program may be eligible for a TOP-SET travel stipend. Trainees should contact their supervisor for more information. For information regarding other travel funding opportunities, click here.