Ateliers d’été 2020 – Présentations orales étudiantes
Le 10 juillet 2020, 9h
- Integration of Ge and GaAs on Single Layer Graphene: New Insights From In Situ TEM Studies
Thierno Mamoudou Diallo, Roxana Arvinte, M.R. Aziziyan, Richard Arès, Simon Fafard and Abderraouf Boucherif
Université de Sherbrooke - Subcell Segmentation in Multijunction Solar Cells: A Liberating New Design Dimension
Robert F.H. Hunter, Christopher E. Valdivia, Laurier S. Baribeau, and Karin Hinzer
University of Ottawa - Passive Solar Tracking System for Integrated Concentrator Photovoltaics
David McShannon and Rafael Kleiman
McMaster University - Intermediate Band Mobility Requirements in Intermediate Band Solar Cells
Avya Stolow (1, 2), David J. Gayowsky (2), Jacob J. Krich (2)
(1) McGill University (2) University of Ottawa - Temperature-Dependent Carrier Generation and Recombination Rates in Bifacial Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Erin Tonita (1), Mandy R. Lewis (1), Christopher E. Valdivia (1), Mariana I. Bertoni (2), and Karin Hinzer (1)
(1) University of Ottawa (2) Arizona State University - Influencing Absorption by Controlling the Slope of Tapered Nanowires
Paige Wilson (1, 2), A. S. Sokolovskii (1, 2), V. G. Dubrovskii (2), R. R. LaPierre (1, 2)
(1) McMaster University (2) ITMO University, Russia