July 19, 2022, 11 a.m.

1. High-performance O-band photonic power converters under non-uniform laser illumination
        Meghan Beattie
(1), H. Helmers (2), G. Forcade (1), C. E. Valdivia (1), D. Lackner (2), O. Höhn (2), and K. Hinzer (1)
        (1) University of Ottawa (2) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

2. Design and fabrication of color-generating nitride based thin-film optical filters for photovoltaic applications
        Paramita Bhattacharyya (1), B. Ahammou (1,2), F.Azmi (1), R. Kleiman (1), and P. Mascher (1)
        (1) McMaster University (2) Univ Rennes, INSA Rennes, CNRS, Institut FOTON—UMR

3. Micro-fabrication and transfer of a detachable Ge epitaxial layer grown on porous germanium for PV application
        Valentin Daniel, J. Chrétien, G. Hamon, M. de Lafontaine, N. Paupy, Z. O. El Hmaidi, B. Ilahi, T. Hanus, M. Darnon, and A. Boucherif
        Université de Sherbrooke

4. Near-field heat transfer measurements using SiN drumhead nanomechanical resonator
        Mathieu Giroux, C. Zhang, N. Snell, G. Mu, M. Stephan, R. St-Gelais, and J. Krich
        University of Ottawa

5. Design of mesoporous germanium bilayers by electrochemical etching
        Laurie Mouchel, T. Hanus, J. Arias-Zapata, B. Ilahi, and A. Boucherif
        Université de Sherbrooke

6. Device model for valley photovoltaic systems
        Daixi Xia and J. Krich
        University of Ottawa