Getting Together Towards Net-Zero Solutions

All activities were held in person at the University of Ottawa with several activities offered in a bimodal format.


July 18, 2022

11:30 Registration and lunch
13:00 Welcome comments
13:15 What are NSERC CREATE TOP-SET Professors up to?
14:15 Annual Challenge kickoff – TOP-SET trainees only
15:15 Break
15:45 In‐Situ TEM observation of Oswald ripening in germanium growth on freestanding graphene and its application to wafer scale layer transfer process (PEELER), Abderraouf Boucherif, Université de Sherbrooke
16:15 Sustainable photovoltaics technologies, Annick Anctil, Michigan State University
16:45 Walk to labs
17:00 Lab tours (SUNLAB, NanoFab, 2D-MOCVD Growth and Characterization Lab)
18:00 End of day
18:30 Social event

July 19, 2022

9:00 Two methods of estimating photovoltaic spectral effects, Sophie Pelland, CanmetENERGY
9:30 Public confidence in government decision-making for energy and climate: A crucial ingredient for emissions reductions success, Monica Gattinger, University of Ottawa
10:00 Entrepreneurship in the clean tech sector, Carla Miner, Sustainable Development Technology Canada
10:30 Break
11:00 Student oral presentations
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Student poster presentations
15:00 Break
15:30 Photonic components design: AI opens new avenues, Yuri Grinberg, National Research Council Canada
16:00 Novel approaches to photovoltaic and photonic power conversion, Seth Hubbard, Rochester Institute of Technology
16:30 Award presentations and closing comments
16:45 End of day

July 20, 2022

9:00 Workshop on strategic thinkingTOP-SET trainees only
16:00 End of day