This Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (NSERC CREATE) program brings together the University of Ottawa, McMaster University and Université de Sherbrooke to explore the frontiers of optoelectronics for many purposes:

  • planar multijunction phototransducers;
  • solar power;
  • intermediate-band solar cells;
  • photonic power & data converters (PPDC);
  • nanowire-based multijunction devices;
  • converged power and data transmission;
  • medical devices using PPDC;
  • PV systems engineering: smart grids and smart sensors; and
  • system yield, cost, and business modeling.
University of Ottawa professor Karin Hinzer is NSERC CREATE TOP-SET’s lead investigator.

Graduate students accepted into the program will train in the remarkably rich science of compound semiconductor materials systems and the broad spectrum of applied devices which can be realized in these materials. TOP-SET trainees will also receive training in the entrepreneurial and business activities necessary to build globally-competitive industries.

This program is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

Partner universities: